Join us for pop-up speed dating events at your favorite bars around New York City. Your ticket includes 1:1 lightning round dates in a hyper-casual and social environment.
Hit it off with someone? Discreetly keep tabs on your favorite dates throughout the night, and we’ll deliver news of your mutual matches within the week.
NYC Speed Dating
All throughout Manhattan! Keep your eyes on Instagram to learn more about all event details.
You will go on anywhere from 10-15 dates, each lasting no more than 5 minutes.
We do not host age-specific events. The majority of participants typically range in age from 25-35, as that is the demographic that largely follows @nycspeedating social media account.
We do not provide refunds for events unless we have to cancel them.
Your ticket is also non-transferrable, meaning that if you purchase the ticket you are expected to show up and not pass the ticket along to someone else.
Due to the high level of interest in these events, we do not promote them more than one week in advance of the event.
Amazing! Please send us an email (or message us on Instagram).